Volunteer Opportunities

The U.S. Naval Undersea Museum welcomes new volunteers to our team! Read on to learn about our volunteer opportunities, and whether this could be a good fit for you.

Do any of these statements apply to you? 

  • I’m looking for a way to share my passion for the Navy, submarine technology, torpedoes, diving, or the engineering concepts behind all of these subjects.
  • I want to support access to self-paced (informal) science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics education for school-age kids and their families.
  • I want to spend a few hours a week or a month doing something different – with the opportunity to learn something new and meet new people while also supporting my local community.
  • I know someone who is looking to enhance their resume with retail or customer service experience in a low-stress environment over the summer.
  • I know someone else who is looking for a way to do the above!

If you identify with any of these, we invite you to join our volunteer team – or share information about our program with those people you are thinking of!

Click on a position title below if you want more details on what to expect. Then, go to the application page when you are ready to apply!

After the museum receives your application, we will set up an interview with you. We also complete a background check, orientation session, and training sessions to get you off to a good start!

For questions or more information about our volunteer opportunities, contact the museum’s volunteer coordinator via email or by calling (360) 396-4148.


Impact of Volunteering

Volunteers make all the difference to a visitor’s experience at the museum. The museum consistently receives high visitor ratings due in part to our amazing volunteer team. Volunteers serve as the main point of contact with the public by meeting and greeting visitors and providing general information about the museum. Also, volunteers operate the museum’s store. Occasionally, the museum asks for support for special one-day programs and other short-term projects.


Training and Eligibility

  • Museum volunteers are asked to contribute at least six hours of time per month, generally between the hours of 10am-4pm.
  • Benefits include a discount in the museum store, access to local installation tours, and participation in annual volunteer appreciation events.
  • Orientation and position training are provided.
  • After applying, an interview and background check will be completed.
  • Consider applying with your friends, partner, or spouse if you are looking for a way to spend quality time together out in the community.
  • Volunteers must be at least 16 years old, and those between the ages of 16-18 require parental permission.
  • Court-ordered community service requirements cannot be accommodated by the U.S. Naval Undersea Museum.

Meet Our Volunteers

Volunteer Spotlight: Meet Darlene

Dr. Darlene Iskra has been volunteering at the U.S. Naval Undersea Museum since 2010, when she moved to Kitsap County. She began volunteering at the museum in order to meet new people and get involved in the local community. Her roles at the museum have included...

Volunteer Spotlight: Meet Bonnie

Bonnie Thomas is originally from Alaska. Her family moved to Poulsbo in 1954 when she was in 7th grade, when her father took a job building roads at the Navy installation at Bangor. She left for a short time to go to college at Washington State University but stayed...

Volunteer Spotlight – Meet Steve G.

A self-proclaimed type A personality and entrepreneur, Steve Grether is a man of many talents and interests. Originally from a small town outside of Detroit, Michigan, he attended Michigan State University via a training program through General Motors. He received his...

Volunteer Spotlight: Meet Don

It is interesting to learn how different people come to volunteer at the museum. For Don Tjossem, it started with his interest in naval covers. No, not the Dixie Cup, Combination Cover, or ball caps. A naval cover is any envelope, postcard, or other postal medium that...

Volunteer Spotlight: Meet Harry

Volunteer Spotlight: Meet Harry Retired Master Chief Machinist Mate (N) Harry Gilger loves people.  He also likes to talk, and mentor and help people along the way. That is why he loved his job as Chief of the Boat during his last 10 years in the Navy, and which...

Volunteer Spotlight: Meet Dawn

Volunteer Spotlight: Meet Dawn Dawn Daily began her work at the U.S. Naval Undersea Museum (USNUM) as a contract Museum Education Specialist.  From June to September 2019, she worked with Valerie at USNUM and Carolyn of the Puget Sound Navy Museum to develop and...

Volunteer Spotlight: Meet Cathy

Volunteer Spotlight: Meet Cathy Cathy Wedelstaedt comes to us from Dow Chemical Corporate R&D in Michigan. Originally from the Chicago suburbs, she attended the University of Notre Dame, majoring in chemistry. Upon graduation, she joined Dow Chemical’s Analytical...


Volunteer Spotlight: Meet Charles Charles Gundersen has been involved with the U.S. Naval Undersea Museum since 1980, before it opened. He was first a charter member of the Naval Undersea Museum Foundation, and then in 2007 began as a volunteer in the museum’s...

Volunteer Spotlight: Meet Bruce

VOLUNTEER SPOTLIGHT: Meet Bruce Bruce graduated from college in 1958 and was at a point in his life where he was not sure what he wanted to do (we have all been there I am sure). He entered Officer Candidate School at Newport, RI, that fall and after four months was...

Resources for Current Volunteers

  • Scheduling and hours reporting system: Login Page

The U.S. Naval Undersea Museum is located in Kitsap County, Washington, near Keyport, Poulsbo, Silverdale, Bremerton, Port Orchard, and Bainbridge Island.