Speaker’s Bureau

Are you looking for a speaker for your civic organization or veteran’s group? We offer free presentations about several subjects related to naval undersea history and technology.

Presentations are typically 25–30 minutes in length and accompanied by a PowerPoint image slideshow. Please see the descriptions below to learn which programs are available.

We will do our best to support your event as staff availability allows. Presentations arranged at least two weeks in advance will be easier to accommodate. To request a presentation, please contact our curator at [email protected] or (360) 396-5517.


Marine Mammals: The Navy’s Super Searchers

The Navy’s highly-trained dolphins and sea lions carry out missions all over the world. With their natural acoustic, sight, and diving abilities, marine mammals are exceptionally skilled at finding objects underwater. Navy animals detect mines and intruders in a fraction of the time it takes human divers and human-made technology. This presentation, based on our popular temporary exhibit, explores the missions Navy dolphins and sea lions perform and the science behind their remarkable abilities.


The Trident Family

A Trident submariner’s decision to serve commits his or her whole family to the submarine life. Their days and months are filled with hard work and separation, patience and sacrifice, difficult goodbyes and joyful reunions. This presentation provides an inside look at life for submariners at sea and for their families at home during the course of a Trident patrol.


Salvaging Shipwrecks

Navy salvage forces go to work when the worst happens: a ship sinks, a collision occurs, a weapon is lost, a space shuttle explodes. This presentation tells the stories of the Navy’s most notable salvage operations, including raising sunken submarines USS F-4 and USS S-51, salvaging ships after the attack on Pearl Harbor, and recovering the wreckage of Space Shuttle Challenger.


U.S. Naval Undersea Museum building.An Introduction to the U.S. Naval Undersea Museum

As a federally-funded museum, the U.S. Naval Undersea Museum is a free resource we hope to share as widely as possible. This overview of the museum introduces our mission, history, exhibits, education programs, artifact collection, and volunteer opportunities. Learn more about what we do, what we offer, and how we serve our local and national communities.

